Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Dog days of Summer...

It's hitting an insane 100+ degrees here with the heat index each day lately. HOT. HUMID. Pretty sure everyone local is very grateful for A/C. I know I am. So...

Less than three weeks till go time for back to work teaching. My last weeks of summer. Even though I’ve been home quarantined (since mid March) with the exception of grocery shopping, it has flown by. I've been trying to make them count.

First, I am pattern testing for the incredible Sharon Holland with Art Gallery Fabrics. Very excited for this fun venture! Here's a little peek.

I chose fabrics from the gorgeous Bari J 365 Fifth Avenue. If you have not sewn with Art Gallery fabrics, you need to! This quilt pattern is called Poenix. You can check out Sharon's awesomeness here  Phoenix will be available mid August.

Which leads me to, I've been sewing up a storm. Here is a current custom design. The Glitta Pouch! You can find the pattern on Instagram by the lovely sweetcinnamonroses.

I’ve made and sold quite a few of these beauties. Aside from the fact that the outside is able to be sanitized because of the vinyl outer layer (hey Covid), it is water resistant (to a point, don't submerge it) and super fun! Shake her up for a mesmerizing effect. It's all about the little things right now. 

And that brings me to one of my other favorite topics, food! I LOVE to cook. It relaxes me, it makes me happy. I feel proud when I serve food people love. At the beginning of quarantine, I purchased new cookware. One of my most favorite purchases is my new cutting board from Boos Blocks. I had tons of cheap plastic boards. I consolidated and purchased this beauty.

She requires some care, but who doesn't. She's just been freshly oiled and waxed. It's a once a month thing to keep her looking her best. And it's worth it.

Aside from that, just breathing in each last moment of summer before I head back to teaching and my oldest becomes a high school senior! Hope you all are enjoying your last weeks of summer!


Monday, July 20, 2020

A Little Trade Secret...

I'm going to share a little secret with you. Those beautiful photos you see, they are taken with a professional camera, with professional lenses by a person who has spent hours training to get their photos to look they way they do. 

And they have spent thousands of dollars on their equipment. How do I know? I'm one of those people, and all of these photos are mine. 

So why do I say this? I do not want to see anyone duped into spending money on faux tips saying you can achieve these results with your cell phone, because you can't. What you see here is over ten thousand dollars of equipment, workshops, editing programs, and years of practice. 

If you want some tips, I will happily give you a few for free. One, photos are all about the light. Photograph close to dawn or dusk for the prettiest light you will ever see. Two, photos are about connection and emotion. They create a reaction in the viewer, so look for moments that make your heart feel something. How do I do that with product photography? Easy. Make yourself want it. Create an image that makes you say I need that! 

Two rings and a rock. That was the setup. But the lens used, the light, the angle changes everything. The emotional connection grabs you.


The focus is the apple. I'm selling the apple. The image does that and captures the viewers attention because of the beautiful bokeh and light in the background. The foreground is simple. but the background is the star, yet, your eye is drawn to the apple. 

So from a woman who spent years professionally photographing, don't let anyone sell you on a magic photo recipe, especially for your iphone. There is so much more that goes into it.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

What's in a Name...

A lot actually. At least for me. My businesses have always been named after my girls; my clothing company, my photography business. It needs to be personal, representative of you in that moment. It allows you to connect with people and be transparent. I believe in inviting people into my world to get to know me. I want you to know me on a personal level so you know I care. Because truly I do. So this one is named after my husband, who is the reason for everything I do. He's the backbone to my doubts, he's the one who pushes me forward when I question, he's my constant support.

So this adventure is Serendipity in Love Creations, and this is our story.

the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

Twenty five years ago at the age of 18, I had my first moment of serendipity when I met the man who became my best friend, my husband, the father of my children, my soul mate. He also became my biggest cheerleader. He's always encouraged my passion for Serendipity in Love Creations. It was a chance moment in a bar I shouldn't have been allowed in at my age. I had met him right after I graduated from high school. His friend was dating my friend. We met one night and hung out the night before I moved away. I thought of him, actually dreamed of him. I dreamed we would be married and have two girls. I moved back and ran into him at said bar after 5 months and the rest is history. Oh...and we do have two girls. ;) I thoroughly believe God brought us together, it was fate, it was serendipity.

My second moment of serendipity was learning to sew. A chance moment looking on eBay at children's clothing. That was all it took for me. Hooked. Full speed ahead.

Twenty five years later and here we are. In a world that is scary and unknown, but we still have each other. Serendipity in Love Creations was a combustible moment in the works for some time. 

xoxo- Christine 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Adventures Renewed...

Once upon a time, many moons ago, when my two daughters were little, I learned how to sew. I stumbled upon the boutique clothing community on Ebay and saw such beautiful clothes being created. I decided right there and then I needed to learn how to sew. Like needed needed. So I did. 

I asked my mother in law to show me how to read a pattern and teach me the basics of using a sewing machine. And I was off! I was a full time stay at home mom and every night I would choose a clothing pattern to work through. I would stay up super late and apres dinner coffee was my best friend. 

Eventually I took a few classes locally; quilting, bag making and such at local quilt shops. I had my found my people! And so it began, my love affair with fabrics and creating.

I had so much fun launching my clothing company. I loved every second of creating pretty things. I mean, look at my little muses! Could they have been any cuter?! They drove everything I created. So I would mom all day and create late into the night. I did that for many years, and I did well. I manufactured, launched a website, employed people. But I was young and very inexperienced and made lots of poor business choices. So after four years, I stopped. I had burned out. 

Here and there I would pull out my fabrics and sew something. Then I would put it aside for awhile. I would make quilts as gifts. I made all the curtains in my home. I made bags for myself and friends. I created when I wanted to and not because I had to. 

During that time we moved to North Carolina from New York. A huge leap of faith. I was still a stay at home mom, my girls older by then in the end of their elementary school years. After about a year here, I decided to go back to work full time as a teacher, which was what I was educated in. I fell back in love with teaching. It is still one of my number one passions. Connecting with my students and their families and becoming a part of their educational journey is just an absolute honor.

And I would still come back to sewing here and there because it relaxed me. I still loved creating.

As we all know, Covid-19 hit. Over night, our lives were turned upside down. Now I was remotely teaching from home. It was not an easy task for any of us. My district provided great support and leadership, so we plugged along. And it worked out. I found I had more down time not commuting, and needed something to take my mind off of the state of the world, so I turned back to my roots and started sewing and creating again. The thing with sewing is your mind is completely involved in what it is doing; you don’t have time to obsess over anything else. 

With all of this creating, I started religiously following quilters and sewers on Instagram and found myself updating my own often and continually planning new projects, collecting new fabrics, which any sewer will tell you is one of their favorite past times.

Thus, Serendipity in Love Creations was born and I opened my Etsy shop. Realizing the joy creating gives me, it is full speed ahead. Life is too short to not enjoy your time. Do what you love. Take risks. Be present. 

Thanks for reading and be well!

 xoxo - Christine