Monday, July 20, 2020

A Little Trade Secret...

I'm going to share a little secret with you. Those beautiful photos you see, they are taken with a professional camera, with professional lenses by a person who has spent hours training to get their photos to look they way they do. 

And they have spent thousands of dollars on their equipment. How do I know? I'm one of those people, and all of these photos are mine. 

So why do I say this? I do not want to see anyone duped into spending money on faux tips saying you can achieve these results with your cell phone, because you can't. What you see here is over ten thousand dollars of equipment, workshops, editing programs, and years of practice. 

If you want some tips, I will happily give you a few for free. One, photos are all about the light. Photograph close to dawn or dusk for the prettiest light you will ever see. Two, photos are about connection and emotion. They create a reaction in the viewer, so look for moments that make your heart feel something. How do I do that with product photography? Easy. Make yourself want it. Create an image that makes you say I need that! 

Two rings and a rock. That was the setup. But the lens used, the light, the angle changes everything. The emotional connection grabs you.


The focus is the apple. I'm selling the apple. The image does that and captures the viewers attention because of the beautiful bokeh and light in the background. The foreground is simple. but the background is the star, yet, your eye is drawn to the apple. 

So from a woman who spent years professionally photographing, don't let anyone sell you on a magic photo recipe, especially for your iphone. There is so much more that goes into it.


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