Sunday, July 19, 2020

What's in a Name...

A lot actually. At least for me. My businesses have always been named after my girls; my clothing company, my photography business. It needs to be personal, representative of you in that moment. It allows you to connect with people and be transparent. I believe in inviting people into my world to get to know me. I want you to know me on a personal level so you know I care. Because truly I do. So this one is named after my husband, who is the reason for everything I do. He's the backbone to my doubts, he's the one who pushes me forward when I question, he's my constant support.

So this adventure is Serendipity in Love Creations, and this is our story.

the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

Twenty five years ago at the age of 18, I had my first moment of serendipity when I met the man who became my best friend, my husband, the father of my children, my soul mate. He also became my biggest cheerleader. He's always encouraged my passion for Serendipity in Love Creations. It was a chance moment in a bar I shouldn't have been allowed in at my age. I had met him right after I graduated from high school. His friend was dating my friend. We met one night and hung out the night before I moved away. I thought of him, actually dreamed of him. I dreamed we would be married and have two girls. I moved back and ran into him at said bar after 5 months and the rest is history. Oh...and we do have two girls. ;) I thoroughly believe God brought us together, it was fate, it was serendipity.

My second moment of serendipity was learning to sew. A chance moment looking on eBay at children's clothing. That was all it took for me. Hooked. Full speed ahead.

Twenty five years later and here we are. In a world that is scary and unknown, but we still have each other. Serendipity in Love Creations was a combustible moment in the works for some time. 

xoxo- Christine 

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